Workplace Security

Best Information Security Practices For Your Workplace

What is information security? According to, information security refers to “the state of being protected against the unauthorized use of information, especially electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.” In essence, information security refers to the tools … Read More

7zip: How To Password-Protect Your Files For Free With This Tool

To prevent unwanted parties or hackers from getting access to your confidential files, it is important to secure your files. This can be done through encryption – when a file is encrypted, the information in the file is scrambled up … Read More

How to spot and prevent fraud in your HR department

You may have come across this Straits Times article: Former HR exec jailed 4 years for cheating firm of S$454,000 using ex-employees’ payroll details, where a HR executive, tasked with maintaining her employer’s payroll system, exploited a loophole where she discovered that … Read More