About The Company

About Us

Krowme – here to grow with you.

Starting from 2020, we saw there was a greater need for a simplified yet robust HR platform that is highly secure, efficient and easy to use. The HRMS software also needed to be able to adapt quickly to rapid technology advancements such as AI and data analytics that seemed to be proliferating in use in recent years. The OpensoftHR team decided to form a new product, Krowme, to meet the needs of micro to small business owners who needed a cost-effective platform to manage their workforce, efficiently and almost mindlessly. 

These days, it seems that all good software solutions that are catered to growing businesses must be accessible from anywhere, without needing to be on-premise or exist as a licensed product. We highly prioritise a great user experience and great customer service and hence, our operations are all in-house and not outsourced to foreign third parties. This ensures that there is an ease of communication both externally and internally, which leads to a domino effect in creating a pleasant experience for both our colleagues and our clients.

Our Values

Always Transparent

We value transparency in all that we do. That means there are no hidden costs in our pricing and no hidden modules that we will only update you about after you have signed up. Our platform is easy to use, safe and secure, and helps you take your mind off all the HR paperwork and focus more on your HR Strategy and maintaining a great working environment instead. We aim to contribute to a better relationship between management and employee, and to make the workplace a place that everyone in your company looks forward to going to everyday.


At Opensoft, we are always up to date with the latest industry trends. We always looking to improve and are open to all feedback.The ability to act, innovate and execute will be critical and will divide those organisations that are thriving, from those that are merely surviving. 

Helping you to thrive

Lastly, we want to help you to thrive. We help to take the HR operations load off you, so you can spend more time focusing on what matters, which is growing your company. We also provide you with all sorts of statistics that give you an overview of your organisation, so you can make better organisational decisions (and save money in the long run).