
HR Topics

HR Business Partner VS HR Manager: Which is right for your company?

Are you thinking of hiring a HR Personnel for your company but do not know where to start? If you are hiring a HR Personnel for the first time, it is best to hire someone that has at least a … Read More

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Open VS Closed Office

The debate between closed offices and open offices has been ongoing for many years. Here are some of the pros and cons of each type of office design: Closed offices: Pros: Cons: Open offices: Pros: Cons: Ultimately, the choice between … Read More

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How To Create The Best Company SOPs For Your Organization

In this article, you will find out why you need to have Company SOPs in place and how you can start implementing them. What are Company SOPs? Company standard operating procedures are a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an … Read More

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Peer to Peer Survey Questions To Get Genuine Feedback

The best way to get genuine feedback about an employee’s work ethics, teamwork, work contributions and more, is to get their peers to review them.  Here is a list of peer-to-peer survey questions that you can use as part of … Read More

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Reduce Your Paperwork When You Embark On e-Leave Technology

With KROWME e-LEAVE, companies can now go paperless with their leave application workflow. Employees can check and apply leave without disturbing the HR department. Department heads will be able to approve, reject and check the leave status of their staff … Read More

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Best Information Security Practices For Your Workplace

What is information security? According to, information security refers to “the state of being protected against the unauthorized use of information, especially electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.” In essence, information security refers to the tools … Read More

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